
January 5, 2016


Scott and I have been on and off about our Family Home Evening (F.H.E.) observance. We were pretty consistent when we were first married, and it seems like we always got a re-boost of commitment after General Conference, and then, of course, having a child didn't make anything easier...
But we are trying to make this a weekly family tradition. And I think trying always counts for something. Shoot, we've only been a family for about 4 years, so I'm not going to beat myself up over missing a few Monday night meetings. The desire is there, we are learning how to prioritize it...
Any. Ways.

A few weeks ago I was lamenting to my husband about my hair which had grown into a delightfully mangy pixie. Looking back at pictures, it really wasn't that bad. But I wanted to go short. Like short-short. If my hair were to be a pair of pants, I wanted it to be a pair of itty-bitty booty shorts. I was feeling wild, rambunctious, and a little bit reckless.Which is another way of saying "Jamey, you're bored." Whatevs. It's my hair, I can do what I want.
Scott was also hankering for a trim and Griffin had the young sprouts of a mullet. His hair behind his ears and next to his neck was growing much faster than the hair on top.... mullet style...

So Monday night, we grabbed Scott's buzzer (I have no idea what its called. Why don't I know what the hair cutting thingy is called?!) and away we sheared!
And, of course, we had to document. Because posterity is going to care about our hair care routine, right?



We all had pretty short hair to begin with, so obviously not a huge change. But now, it's shorter.
And we spent time as a family, which is what really matters.

>>>Did you know I opened my ETSY? I did. Go check it out. 
Buy yourself something. You deserve it. 
>>>This is stuck in my head.

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